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you mention pig latin, and now I can't think of anything but "ubby dubby," from the PBS show "Zoom." (H-ubb-i Fr-ubb-ends, ubb-I ubb-am sp-ubb-eak-ubb-ing, ubb-ubb-ubb-i d-ubb-ubb-ubb-i." here's a sample http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA2DrMuirx4&feature=relmfu

Find a way to fly.

Begin to verbally describe a vivid dream you can remember.
Continue to describe your dream, but you may no longer move your tongue.
Continue to describe your dream (with no tongue), but your head and one forearm must be in contact with the floor.
Find a way to fly. You have 30 seconds.
Another person counts down from 30-0 out loud.

Bare Walls

Bare bodies to give
Bare souls to hide
Bare walls to cover


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